Due by January 15th. Accepted between September 1 and January 15.

Please submit class work to: hogwarts@cosmoschaise.co.uk with the following title: Castle Midterm Final - [HOL Name] (with your HOL name in place of [HOL Name], natch). Be sure to include your full HOL Name and house somewhere in the email.

You must submit the assignment as a whole; do not send in separate emails for homework and extra credit. Attachments are fine and in fact preferred over image hosting links.

Midterm Final

Tell me the story of your first time exploring Hogwarts on your own. When was it (The first week? Second year? Fifth year?)? Where did you go? Who did you run into? Did you get lost? What were your impressions of the castle? Minimum of 300 words. Worth 30 points.
(We haven't yet fully explored the castle in class, but don't let that stop your story.)