Due by May 31st. Accepted between February 1 and June 15.

Please submit class work to: hogwarts@cosmoschaise.co.uk with the following title: Castle Assignment 8 - [HOL Name] (with your HOL name in place of [HOL Name], natch). Be sure to include your full HOL Name and house somewhere in the email.

You must submit the assignment as a whole; do not send in separate emails for homework and extra credit. Attachments are fine and in fact preferred over image hosting links.

Assignment 8

Longish Answer (15 points)

According to the lesson, there are several people who have held a variety of positions at Hogwarts. Using the lesson, name everyone with more than one position and the positions they held.

Matching (15 points)

Match the professor with their subject or position.

Name Subject/Position
1. Sybill Trelawney Ancient Runes
2. Cuthbert Binns Arithmancy
3. Aurora Sinistra Astronomy
4. Galatea Merrythought Care of Magical Creatures
5. Charity Burbage Charms
6. Septima Vector Defense Against the Dark Arts
7. Newton Scamander Divination
8. Pomona Sprout Head of School
9. Alecto Carrow Herbology
10. Horace Slughorn History of Magic
11. Bathsheba Babbling Muggle Studies
12. Filius Flitwick Potions
13. Silvanus Kettleburn Transfiguration
14. Quintin Trimble  
15. Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank  

Extra Credit 8

Below is a word search with names from the lesson. There are more than 15 names to be found in the word search. Find as many as you can and send in your answers. 2 points per name found, for a maximum of 30 points. Any names you find above 15 are bonus points, should you wish to make use of them.

Note: To make it easier for you, the names are all first and last — no single names in here. So even if you find "Ogg," it's not part of the search, okay? :D

A word search

The following link is the direct link for the puzzle; you can click it for printing or for direct downloading: PNG