Due by February 28th. Accepted between February 1 and June 15.

Please submit class work to: hogwarts@cosmoschaise.co.uk with the following title: Castle Assignment 5 - [HOL Name] (with your HOL name in place of [HOL Name], natch). Be sure to include your full HOL Name and house somewhere in the email.

You must submit the assignment as a whole; do not send in separate emails for homework and extra credit. Attachments are fine and in fact preferred over image hosting links.

Assignment 5

Short Answer (20 points)

1. Where is the Owlery located?
2. Describe the beds in Ravenclaw Tower.
3. List three things found in the Divination classroom.
4. What items can be found in the Gryffindor Common Room?
5. What aspect of the headmaster's office does not change between different headmasters?
6. A riddle must be answered correctly to gain access to the Ravenclaw Common Room. Who asks it?
7. Which tower's entrance can be found behind a gargoyle?
8. Where is the Astronomy Tower located?
9. Which towers are accessible with the correct password?
10. Besides the parapet, what can be found in the Astronomy Tower?

Long Answer (At least 100 words each, 5 points per question)

1. The lesson specifies towers in the north and the west. What about the east and south towers? Tell me about those towers. Do we know them by other names, or are they as-yet-unknown mysteries? There is no right or wrong answer here; just use your imagination.
2. The Gryffindor Common Room employs tactics to keep boys from entering the girls' dormitory, but not the other way around. Do you think something similar can be found in all the common rooms? Do you agree or disagree with this practice?

Extra Credit 5

I've been mildly obsessed with these lately, which is your good fortune. Here's a nonogram puzzle for you to do!

Complete the puzzle below and send in your solution. You can use the image provided, or you can solve it online at Puzzly and send me a screenshot of your completed puzzle. And don't worry if you can't solve it completely; you can send in what you have for partial credit.

A nonogram puzzle
Click to play online.

Here's the direct link for the puzzle for printing: PNG

Never played this type of puzzle before? Check out Puzzly's guide to playing nonograms.