Due by April 30th. Accepted between February 1 and June 15.

Please submit class work to: hogwarts@cosmoschaise.co.uk with the following title: Castle Assignment 7 - [HOL Name] (with your HOL name in place of [HOL Name], natch). Be sure to include your full HOL Name and house somewhere in the email.

You must submit the assignment as a whole; do not send in separate emails for homework and extra credit. Attachments are fine and in fact preferred over image hosting links.

Assignment 7

Short Answer (20 points)

1. Who created the Marauder's Map?
2. What did Salazar Slytherin believe about magical education that the other Hogwarts founders disagreed with?
3. What is the Philosopher's Stone purported to do?
4. How many correct, safe potions are there in the potions area of the Philosopher's Stone Room?
5. How might a person describe the limitations of the Room of Requirement?
6. Where specifically does the secret passage found behind the statue of Gregory the Smarmy lead?
7. Under what circumstances does the Room of Requirement present itself?
8. What does the Marauder's Map show?
9. How tall is the statue of Salazar Slytherin found within the Chamber of Secrets?
10. Including the entrance, how many separate sections are there to the Philosopher's Stone Room?

Opinion (10 points)

The Marauder's Map is an excellent piece of research and magic, though it is not infallible. It did not, for instance, seem to know about the Chamber of Secrets, and it didn't seem to be able to track the Room of Requirement itself (Fred and George knew of it only as a broom cupboard), though it was able to track people inside the Room. How do you imagine the Marauder's Map's magic works with the Room of Requirement's magic? Why do you think the Map responds to the Room in the way that it does? Explain your opinion in at least 150 words.

Extra Credit 7

Tell me a story about a time you needed to use the Room of Requirement. What did you need? Were you successful? Was it happenstance that you ended up near the Room of Requirement, or did you seek it out? Tell me all about it in at least 300 words. Worth 30 points.