“I'm a really slow knitter
without magic.”

Class Information

Below you'll find links to various pages full of important information about this class.


First, this class would not exist were it not for the inspiration I got from Ronja Liek's (now defunct) Magical Embroidery class. My thanks go to her for thinking outside the box, allowing me to follow her; it's much roomier out of that box.

There are a lot of knitting resources online and off if you need further assistance or want to expand your options. Here are a few of our favorites, all of which have helped us in varying degrees to gain the knowledge and skills to put together this class.

  • knittinghelp.com is a wonderful site, with videos showing all sorts of techniques and tricks. Cosmo wouldn't have gotten very far with her knitting had she not found this site.
  • The Knitting Answer Book by Margaret Radcliffe is a great portable knitting resource. It goes through the whole knitting process and, as the title suggests, answers questions that may come up. It's been a great resource for choosing techniques for this class.
  • Cat Bordhi is a really inventive knitter, and both Tarma and Cosmo have made use of her techniques. And, if her YouTube videos are any indication, she's a great and fun teacher.
  • The novice_knitters community at LiveJournal is a great place to ask questions. There are plenty of novices there, naturally, but a lot of more experienced knitters are part of the community, too, and can answer questions, no matter how trivial.
  • The Art of Knitting 4 Kids is a DVD Tarma got from the library and liked so much she bought it. It features a kid named Ryan teaching basic knitting, and then someone shows how to knit a ball.

Knitting Terms

Check here for explanations of basic knitting terms that appear in the lessons.


About your professors

Click here to read about the knitting histories of your beloved professors.



If you've got a question about the class, the requirements, or any of the lessons, feel free to ask.
