Class Information
Below you'll find links to various pages full of important information about this class.
- Class Syllabus, where you'll find a list of requirements and materials needed.
- Knitting Terminology, where you'll find definitions of various and sundry knitting terms used in this class.
- Frequently Asked Questions is where you can find answers to some of the first questions you may have.
First, this class would not exist were it not for the inspiration I got from Ronja Liek's (now defunct) Magical Embroidery class. My thanks go to her for thinking outside the box, allowing me to follow her; it's much roomier out of that box.
There are a lot of knitting resources online and off if you need further assistance or want to expand your options. Here are a few of our favorites, all of which have helped us in varying degrees to gain the knowledge and skills to put together this class.
- is a wonderful site, with videos showing all sorts of techniques and tricks. Cosmo wouldn't have gotten very far with her knitting had she not found this site.
- The Knitting Answer Book by Margaret Radcliffe is a great portable knitting resource. It goes through the whole knitting process and, as the title suggests, answers questions that may come up. It's been a great resource for choosing techniques for this class.
- Cat Bordhi is a really inventive knitter, and both Tarma and Cosmo have made use of her techniques. And, if her YouTube videos are any indication, she's a great and fun teacher.
- The novice_knitters community at LiveJournal is a great place to ask questions. There are plenty of novices there, naturally, but a lot of more experienced knitters are part of the community, too, and can answer questions, no matter how trivial.
- The Art of Knitting 4 Kids is a DVD Tarma got from the library and liked so much she bought it. It features a kid named Ryan teaching basic knitting, and then someone shows how to knit a ball.