“I'm a really slow knitter
without magic.”

Assignment One

This month's washcloth is a simple one: a garter stitch washcloth.

Cast on 36 stitches. Knit each row until the cloth is about square (this depends on how you knit, but somewhere in the range of 55-60 rows should probably do it; I found that 58 rows plus the bind off made a pretty good square). Bind off. Weave in your ends.

Take a picture of your finished cloth and send it — as an attachment or a link, your choice — to knitting@cosmoschaise.co.uk, using the subject Knitting Assignment 1 - Your HOL name.

Due September 30th. Worth 30 points.

Knitting Terms

Check here for explanations of basic knitting terms that appear in the lessons.


About your professors

Click here to read about the knitting histories of your beloved professors.



If you've got a question about the class, the requirements, or any of the lessons, feel free to ask.
