
This is the Examination in your course in Ancient Runes.

Send your answers / completed homework by email to this address:


Your work must be received before June 15th unless other arrangements have been made.

Should you rely on assistive technology or have any other needs that should be taken into account, please contact me and we can discuss other options for certain parts of the assignments.


In your email, the subject must be Runes, Exam, (your HOL name). Include the commas.

In the body of your email, begin with the name of the class (Ancient Runes), the exercise number (eg: Final Exam), and your HOL name.

Homework received on or after June 15th will be considered 'late'. Assignments submitted late will not be counted as meeting the requirements of this course, and they may actually lose points for the late submission.

This exam consists of three (3) parts, with possible point-value shown at the beginning of each part. All three parts are essay questions, and students for whom English is not their first or most fluent language will be given extra leniency in the matter of composition. If you show that you know the answer, how you manage to put it into writing is of little concern.

While on that topic, if you like you may check the following note and include it in the heading of your emailed answers (cut and paste):

English is not my 'first language' { }

Finally, remember Einstein's statement, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."


Question 1 (10 points)

Here are three inquiries:

(A) "Will I be successful?"
(B) "Have I chosen the right partner?"
(C) "Should I have gone on with school?"

Consider each one and decide whether it is suitable for rune-casting in its present form. If you believe it is, simply write 'yes' and its letter. If you believe it is not, identify it by letter and then tell me why not and then write a corrected version, one that you would be comfortable using yourself.

Question 2 (10 points)

In good rune-craft, name or describe the steps (if any) in which rational thought (intellect) can be appropriate.

Question 3 (40 points)

This question requires you to do several things and then to tell me what you did and what the result was.

First prepare yourself mentally and emotionally to conduct a rune-casting.
Second, choose a question that has real meaning for you and to which you do not know the answer. Cast it into a rune-friendly form that is usable in meta-language communication.
Third, cast the rune-staves, using a 'Three Norns' spread. As you blind-select each rune-stave, write down its rune-name, its sequence in the drawing, and a single keyword you feel is most fitting and descriptive.
If you do not like the runes that came up, should you cast again immediately using the same query? Explain your answer.
Fourth, imagine or 'day-dream' this communication into a 'story' (a far less threatening word than 'Interpretation'!) that embodies the answer to your query.
Fifth, for 40 points, describe each step and tell me the 'story'.

You know and gnow all the answers to this exam. Stop 'trying' and just let it flow. Stop 'thinking' and engage your genius. That's what it's for.

Om shanti shanti
Prof. Wastl