Assignment Three

This is Assignment Three in your course in Ancient Runes.

Send your answers / completed homework by email to this address:

Your work must be received before April 30th unless other arrangements have been made.

Should you rely on assistive technology or have any other needs that should be taken into account, please contact me and we can discuss other options for certain parts of the assignments.


In your email, the subject must be Runes, AR(3), (your HOL name). Include the commas.

In the body of your email, begin with the name of the class (Ancient Runes), the exercise number (eg: AR 3), and your HOL name.

Homework received on or after May 1st will be considered 'late'. Assignments submitted late will not be counted as meeting the requirements of this course, and they may actually lose points for the late submission.


True or False/Multiple Choice (2 points each, 20 total)

1. According to Tacitus, the German tribes made rune lots inscribed in:
A. Latin
B. German
C. Etruscan
D. None of the above.

2. Elements of the ancient Norse worldview match ideas of today's physicists, agreeing that:
A. 'Things' are different from each other because they are made up of different kinds of energy
B. Underneath surface appearance, everything is pure energy
C. 'Things' remain stable because their energy does not change.

3. We can rely completely on runic information from the Past because:
A. Past events do not change
B. The runes can see clearly where we cannot
C. Neither; such information is frequently unreliable

4. A blank rune-stave is generally regarded as:
A. A part of the updated futhark
B. A nuisance
C. A potentially useful - but separate - tool to use with the 24-rune (elder) futhark.

5. A typical Nornic layout consists of:
A. Five runes
B. Two runes
C. Three runes.

6. In the Prof. Wastl system (recommended), a blank rune-stave:
A. Should never be included in a Nornic layout
B. Applies to the next rune drawn
C. Signals the runecaster (vitki) to stop and start the reading over.

7. Which of the following make good queries for a rune-casting?
A. Will I become successful (famous, rich...) soon?
B. How can I make (someone, name) love me?
C. Who was most to blame for my unhappy childhood?
D. NOne of the above.

8. The runes, properly used, can serve as a metalanguage between the querent and:
A. Hidden memory
B. the Higher Self
C. The library at Hogwarts.

9. True or False: Runes make a suitable pastime amusement.

10. True or False:Most runic authorities agree on a standard basic set of meanings for the runes.

Essay Question (10 points)

Tell me in some detail about your experience with Exercise 3.
Minimum of 150 words.

Extra Credit (30 points)

Tell me in some detail about your experience with Exercise 4, including telling me your 'story'.
Minimum of 300 words.