Assignment Two

This is Assignment Two in your course in Ancient Runes.

Send your answers / completed homework by email to this address:

Your work must be received before March 31st unless other arrangements have been made.

Should you rely on assistive technology or have any other needs that should be taken into account, please contact me and we can discuss other options for certain parts of the assignments.


In your email, the subject must be Runes, AR(2), (your HOL name). Include the commas.

In the body of your email, begin with the name of the class (Ancient Runes), the exercise number (eg: AR 2), and your HOL name.

Homework received on or after April 1st will be considered 'late'. Assignments submitted late will not be counted as meeting the requirements of this course, and they may actually lose points for the late submission.

Remember, you may need to consult previous lessons.


True or False (2 points each, 20 total)

1. 'Irrational' properly means anything that does not 'make sense' to you.
2. In English, the Three Norns are usually referred to as Matron - Maiden - Hag.
3. The Maiden is symbolic of The Future, what will be.
4. Consideration of The Past is important because it helps us remember why we did things.
5. Consideration of The Past is important because it helps us understand how past elements interact with present energies to influence the Becoming going on Now.
6. Einstein said that imagination is more important than education.
7. What Einstein said means that imagination can free us from the limitations of what we think is possible.
8. The classic Elder Futhark consisted of only 24 runes, arranged in 3 'families' of 8 each.
9. It still does.
10. So-called 'day-dreaming' is generally a foolish waste of time.

Essay Question (10 points)

For this question, please refer to your notes on Exercise #2. Tell me, in a minimum of 150 words, about your experiences with this Exercise. Please address each of the following points:

(a) Did you notice any particular 'feeling' in connection with any one rune?
(b) ...with more than one rune?
(c) Were your 'feeling' responses consistently the same each time you were 'with' the runes?
(d) Were your 'feeling' responses very subtle? ...very powerful?...pleasant? ...unpleasant?
(e) Do you feel more comfortable with your runes now than before you did Exercise #2?
(f) Does one particular rune now stand out as 'your personal rune' or favorite?
(g) Can you imagine any benefit in continuing this Exercise throughout this course?

Extra Credit (30 points)

You have seen the first indications that this course (not merely this instructor) will develop the thesis that the use of runes in divination and (especially) in Oracle work is and must be essentially irrational, and that this is in no way a negative statement. Please share with me your thoughts about this, it being understood that these are only your first reactions and not well-thought-out arguments: generally positive? generally negative? Brand new notion? Old familiar idea? Fun but crazy? Dull but solid? Light goes on at once? Just don't get it at all? Basis for a grand argument! Let's hear it!
Minimum of 300 words.