Assignment One

This is Assignment One in your course in Ancient Runes.

Send your answers / completed homework by email to this address:

Your work must be received before February 28th unless other arrangements have been made.

Should you rely on assistive technology or have any other needs that should be taken into account, please contact me and we can discuss other options for certain parts of the assignments.


In your email, the subject must be Runes, AR(1), (your HOL name). Include the commas.

In the body of your email, begin with the name of the class (Ancient Runes), the exercise number (eg: AR 1), and your HOL name.

Homework received on or after March 1st will be considered 'late'. Assignments submitted late will not be counted as meeting the requirements of this course, and they may actually lose points for the late submission.


True or False (2 points each, 20 total)

1. We know that runes have been used in Europe since 50 C.E.
2. Runes are the alphabet for an ancient Norwegian dialect.
3. Runes can be used as a 'meta-language'.
4. The rune 'Isa' makes an excellent good-luck charm.
5. The rune 'Berkana' can signify a birth or new beginning.
6. Runes were probably brought to Europe from ancient Egypt.
7. Runic was spoken in Iceland until the 19th Century.
8. Runes can be a useful tool in divination.
9. For best results in this class, the student should make his or her own set of runes.
10. In making runes, it is important to begin by cutting a branch from a fruit-bearing tree.

Essay Question (10 points)

Have you already made your first set of runes? If yes, tell me how you made them. If no, then tell me what you plan to do to make them, and when.
Minimum of 150 words.

Extra Credit (30 points)

Essay Question:
'Divination' and 'Oracle' are just two words for the same thing: Yes, No, or Maybe.
Choose your answer, and then explain convincingly why and how you made this choice.
Minimum of 300 words.