

Assignment One

Assignment 1 is due by midnight on the last day of February

Do not send it in before February 1st. If you do, it will be deleted.

Send your answers to wandmaking@cosmoschaise.co.uk
in a regular email.

(Do not send as or with an attachment. Anything received with an attachment will be deleted.)

Include, at the top of the answer email, your HOL name and House. Put in the Subject Line: "Wandmaking - Lesson 1 - (your HOL name)".

True/False- 2 points each

1. The first use of a wand is well documented.
True or False?

2. Very few wizards and witches carry wands.
True or False?

3. The different kinds of trees have different magical powers.
True or False?

4. Different wands of similar wood can have different cores.
True or False?

5. Everyone agrees that wizards choose the wand.
True or False?

6. The wand, or staff, acts as a focus for one's will.
True or False?

7. A wizard can pick up the wand of another wizard, and use it.
True or False?

8. Wands cannot be broken.
True or False?

9. We know everything there is to know about wands.
True or False?

10. Lord Voldemort's wand is of yew.
True or False?

Essay Questions - 5 points each

1. Does the wand choose the wizard or does the wizard choose the wand? I'm not looking for a 'right' answer here, I want to know your opinion and why you think so. (I know that it is obvious, by the lesson write-up, that I feel the wand chooses the wizard. Go ahead and disagree with me, if you like! The discussion is 'your' opinion, and your reasons for holding it.) Minimum of 100 words.

2. Are there ethics to be aware of when using wands? If so, what are they? Again I'm not looking for a 'right' answer, but I want to know what you think,and why you think so. Minimum of 100 words.

Extra Credit - 30 points total

Name three wizards, one each from the works of Shakespeare, Tolkien and Rowling, who either had their staff (or wand) deliberately (ie: not an accident) broken or the wizard deliberately got rid of it. Say who it was and the general circumstances surrounding the situation. (5 points for each Wizard)

Discussion of each of the wizards. Was this done rightly or wrongly? What was the effect of having their wand, or staff, broken or put aside? Minimum of 100 words per discussion of each wizard. (5 points for each Wizard)

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